Department of Humanities and Sciences
Science is the basis for all the other branches of Engineering Discipline. The department aims at providing competitive quality education and we support the students to lay basic profound foundation in all the branches of Engineering. The objective of the department to make the students understand and be aware of the importance of Sciences and develop a natural elegance and interest for Engineering and Technology which in turn will enhance and mould the student into a competent professional. It encourages the practical applications of concepts through learning experience and active participation and sharpen students’ ability to converse rationally, potentially, and innovatively in several ways that are appropriate for their discipline.
The motto of the Department is to provide high quality education to students with the assistance of well-qualified, dedicated and highly motivated faculty members. Our faculty’s research expertise includes all frontier areas in English, Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. We impart the best teaching methodologies which prepare competent professionals able to independently apply knowledge to become a successful engineer.
“To be a Centre of Excellence in Technical Education and to become an Epic center of Research for Creative solutions”.
“To address the Emerging needs through Quality Technical Education with an Emphasis on Practical Skills and Advanced Research with Social Relevance”.

Mr. B. Kishore Babu
Activities / Events
FDP’s/Workshops Organized
- Organized A TWO Day Workshop for the students on Ethical Hacking in association with Sytech Labs on 1st & 2nd February 2019.
- Organized A TWO Day Faculty Development Program on Personality Development in collaboration with ICT Academy during 24th – 25th January 2019.
- Inaugurated of Human Excellence Centre and Organized a Motivational Class By Swamy Bodhamayananda On 28-08-2018.
- Organized Anti Ragging And Antidrug Awareness Programme In August 2018
- Organized A ONE Day Workshop for the students on Motivational Speeches by Mr. Deepak Managing Director World Youth Change Makers (WYCM) on 24th July 2018.
Achievements & Awards
Dr. Srinivas Palarapu
- Qualified APSET [State Eligibility Test] conducted by Osmania University and Government of Andhra Pradesh in 2012.
- Qualified FET [Faculty Eligibility Test] conducted by JNTUH in 2011.
- Received Prestigious IRDP National Award 2018 – “Best Young Researcher” for the outstanding excellence and remarkable achievements in the field of Teaching, Research and Publications.
- Received NFED National Award 2018 – “Young Educator & Scholar” for significant contribution to teaching and scholarly Activities in the field of Mathematics.
- Conferred with ITAP Awards 2018 – “Professor of the Year” for my Creativity and Success in the field of TEACHING & INSPIRING Potential Methods.
Dr. V. Parvathi
Received Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Life Time Achievement Award 2018 (Dr V. Parvathi – Professor) from International Institute for Social and Economic Reforms, Bangalore , Karnataka
Industrial Visits
FDP’s Attended
H&S Library
H&S Resource Material
H&S Calender
H&S Timetable
R&D Activities
Product Development
Research Laboratories
Paper Publications
Dr. Srinivas palarapu
- A Paper Titled “Modularity in a Lattice” Published in International Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Engineering Applications (IJMSEA) Ref: ISSN 0973-9424, Vol. 5 No. IV (July, 2011).
- A Paper Titled “Generalized on Lattice of Boolean Graph” Published in International Journal of Computer Science And Communications (IJCSC). Ref: ISSN 0973-7391, Vol. 2 No. II (July – December, 2011).
- A Paper Titled “Irregular Graph for Lattice” Published in International Journal of Pure Mathematical Sciences (IJPMS). Ref: I, 2012, No. I, 43 – 51.
- A Paper Titled “Graph Homomorphism of a Finite Modular Lattice” Published in South Asian Journal of Mathematics (SAJM). Ref: ISSN 2252 – 1512 II No. VI (Nov – Dec 2012).
- A Paper Titled “Logical Operators and week Lattice Graphs” Published in Research Journal of Pure Algebra (RJPA). Ref: ISSN 2248 – 9037 II No. VIII (August 2012).
- A Paper Titled “Graph Automorphism of Modular Lattice” Published in Mathematical Sciences International Research Journal. Ref: ISSN 2278-8697 I No. III.
- Presented A Paper at International Conference on Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Engineering (ICMSCE – 2012), during Sep 13 & 14, 2012 at Vijayawada, A.P, India.
- Presented a Paper at Third International conference of Gwalior Academy of Mathematical Sciences (GAMS) on Mathematical, Computational & Integrative Sciences and Eighteenth Annual Conference of GAMS held at Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology (MANIT), Bhopal, M. P, India during September 22 – 26, 2013.
- Presented a Paper at First International conference on Developments, Advances & Trends in Engineering (NCDATES – 2K15) held at CMR Engineering College, Hyderabad during January 9 – 10 2015.
- Presented A Paper at International Conference on Make in India: New Technologies, New paradigms held at School of Engineering & Technology JAGRAN LAKECITY UNIVERSITY, Bhopal, M.P, India on 28th January 2016.
- Presented A Paper at International Conference on Mathematical Sciences & Engineering Applications (ICMSEA – 2016) held at BITS, Vizag, A.P, India from 23rd – 25th December 2016.
- Presented A Paper at International Conference on Recent Advances In Science & Technology (ICRAST-2017) held at Technocrats Institute of Technology, Bhopal, M.P, India From 5th – 7th May 2017.
Dr. V.Parvathi
- A Paper Titled “Recruitment challenges in Campus placements for engineering students and the role of curriculam” in Kshatriya journal of applied management and research,volume.I.issue.1.july-Dec ISSN-2394-286X”
- A Paper Titled “Techniques to improve fluency of language in group discursion” in ACME International journal of multi disciplinary research an international refered research journal of III.issue.2.feb-2015 ISSN-2320-236X”
- A Paper Titled “Suggestive techniques for better performance in group discurssion in IJELLH,international journal of English language,literature in humanities”. volume.IV.issue.1.jan-2017 ISSN-2321-7065”
- Presented paper on importance of soft skills and mastering then for campus selections at the fifth international and 41st ELTAI conference,5-7-August-2010,Chennai.
- Presented a paper on vocabulary methods for learners from bernacular medium at a national seminar on the theme dynamics of importing communicative English to the learners from benacular medium background organised by CELT,Palamur university on 27th & 28th of January 2018.
Mr. T. Vidyanath
- A paper on “Stochastic and Diffusion Analysis of a Modified Leslie-Gower Model with Holling Type Functional Responses” has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Ecological Economics and Statistics (IJEES) (Indexed in Thomson Reuters Web of Science), 2019, 40, 3, ISSN: 0973-1385.
- Published a paper on “Dynamics of a prey and two predators system with time delay” in the International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (IJPAM) (SCOPUS INDEXED), 2018, 118, 3, 613-623, ISSN: 1311-8080.
- Published a paper on “Time delayed analysis of two prey one predator ecological model” in the International Journal of Ecological Economics and Statistics (IJEES) (SCOPUS INDEXED), 2018, 39, 1, 64-72, ISSN: 0973-1385.
- Published a paper on “Dynamics of a time delayed ecological model comprising mutualism, neutralism and prey-predation” in ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (ARPN JEAS) (SCOPUS INDEXED), 2017, 12, 22, 6494-6501, ISSN: 1819-6608.
- Published a paper on “Deterministic and stochastic stability analysis of a three species eco-system with a predator and two preys” in the Research Journal of Science and Technology (RJST), 2017, 9, 4, 541-548, doi:5958/2349-2988.2017.00093.6, ISSN: 0975-4393.
- Published a paper on “An optimal harvesting policy for the two prey species in a three species ecological model” in the International Journal of Ecology and Development (IJED) (SCOPUS INDEXED), 2017, 32, 4, 153-168, ISSN: 0972-9984.
- Published a paper on “Bionomic equilibrium of a three species model with optimal harvesting for the first prey” in the International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (IJPAM) (SCOPUS INDEXED), 2017, 113, 9, 220-233, ISSN: 1311-8080.
- Published a paper on “A three species ecological model with a predator and two preying species” in the journal of International Frontier Sciences Letters (IFSL) (UGC APPROVED), SciPress Ltd, Switzerland, 2016, 9, 26-32, doi:10.18052/, ISSN: 2349-4484.
- Presented a paper on “Stability analysis of a three species eco-system comprising of one prey and two predators” in NCRTST-2015 organized by JNTUHCEJ, Karimnagar, Telangana State and sponsored by ISTE, New Delhi, during 25-26th February 2015 and published in the proceedings of NCRTST, pp. 326-329, ISBN: 978-93-82570-52-3.
- Presented a paper on “A three species synecological model with mutualism, neutralism and prey-predation” in NCPAM’14 organized by Mathematics Division, School of Advanced Sciences, VIT Chennai during 25-26th April 2014 and published in the proceedings of NCPAM, pp. 60-64, ISBN: 978-93-83459-46-9.
- Participated in the International Symposium on Modelling of Nanofluid Flows(ISMNF-2018) organized by Department of Mathematics, VIT-AP, held at VIT-AP, Amaravati on 17th December 2018.
- Presented a paper on “Stability of a prey-predator-super predator model with varied functional responses” in the ICTEMPS-2018 organized by Geethanjali College of Engineering & Technology, Hyderabad on 21st April 2018.
- Presented a paper on “Deterministic and stochastic stability analysis of a three species eco-system with a predator and two preys” in the NCERTPAM-2017 organized by Department of Applied Mathematics, Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam, Tirupati during 29-30th August 2017.
- Presented a paper on “Exponential and mean square stability analysis of a three species eco-system” in the XXVI congress of APSMS and National Conference on Recent Advances in Mathematics organized by Department of Mathematics, Kakatiya University, Warangal during 11-13th August 2017.
- Presented a paper on “Bionomic equilibrium of a three species model with optimal harvesting for the first prey” in the NCMTA-2017 organized by SRM University, Tamil Nadu during 27-28th January 2017.
- Presented a paper on “A three species ecological model with a predator and two preying species” in APSMS XXII Congress and National Conference on Recent Trends in Applications of Mathematics organized by Anurag Group of Institutions during 13-15th December 2013.
- Presented a research paper on “Two species competition models with harvesting of both the species” in the National Conference on “New Thresholds in Pure and Applied Mathematics” organized by SNIST, Hyderabad in July ‘09.
Mrs. K. Manjula
- Presented A Paper at International Conference on the study of different novel channel materials with various gate dielectrics ICRDETSBMMC-2017, April,2017, shri JJTU Rajasthan
Mrs.Md.Shahida Sultana
- Participated in the 11th international and 47th ELT@i conference organized by Vasavi engineering college for three days on content-based instruction and learning-redefining English language curriculum in 2016.
Research Projects
H&S Dept.Data
H&S Committies
H&S Other Info
Professional Societies
1. The Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE)
Roll of Honors