Vice Principal
He is working as Vice Principal and Professor in CSE Dept at AVN Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad, TS, India.
He graduated in B.E (Computer Science and Engineering ) from Osmania University, Hyderabad in 1998.
He completed M.Tech. from JNTUH College of Engineering in 2003.
He received Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Computer Science and Engineering in the area of Web Mining from Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur, AP in 2014.
He is a certified professional by Microsoft (MCSD).
He is having 22 years of Teaching Experience in various Engineering Colleges.
He has published various publications in International / National Journals and also presented papers in National / International conferences.
His expertise areas are Data warehousing and Data Mining, Data Structures & UNIX Networking Programming, Cloud Computing and Mobile Computing.